
Saturday 28 February 2015

Pink Wonky Churn Dash

Today is the last Saturday for Pink in the 2015 RainbowScrap Challenge.  I was able to complete a couple more pink Wonky Churn Dash blocks.
Wonky Churn Dash quilt blocks

That’s all for now folks.  Have a wander over to Soscrappy and have a look at all the other Rainbow projects on the go.  You will also get to see what the colour for the month of March is going to be.

We live in a rainbow of chaos.  ~ Paul Cezanne

Friday 27 February 2015

Bass Line Quilt by Janet

Janet and a couple other friends all decided to make the Bass Line quilt by Sarah Fielke from her book Hand Quilted With Love.  We used mostly Kaffe Fasset or Rowan fabrics and shared with each other to increase the assortment.  Here is Janet’s dazzling quilt.
Bass Line quilt
Janet wanted it quilted like the quilt in Sarah’s book with infinity loops in the colours and loops in the white portions.

Janet has since made another Bass Line quilt and I have a set of placemats to quilt for her in the same attractive design.

The bass, no matter what kind of music you’re playing, it just enhances the sound and makes everything sound more beautiful and full. When the bass stops, the bottom kind of drops out of everything. ~ Charlie Haden