Sunday 7 February 2021

Quilty Stars: a goal for February

I’m always look forward to participating in Elm StreetQuilts One Monthly Goal (OMG).  This month I’m suffering with low motivation, however I feel I must keep moving forward, so today just before the ‘party’ ends I’ve picked my next project to finish. 

Quilty Stars was a quilt along that I participated in with Quilty Love the Summer of 2019, if interested you can see a couple of the quilt block posts here and here.

I found a nice blue with circle fabric for the back, however it is a bit short, so I’ll be adding some back art using left over strips of fabric used in the front of the quilt. 

Looking forward to having another finish, and goal complete at the end of February.

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. ~ Jim Rohn