I think we all need one of these in our sewing room or quilt
studio. Terry Morberg of ApplepatchDesigns makes the greatest little quilt projects and patterns. They are quirky in so many ways, sometimes subtle
and sometimes just plain fun – take a look at her website scroll through the
pictures and you’ll be sure to smile or perhaps even laugh out loud. And if you really want to laugh out loud (in
my opinion she’s a stand-up comedian) consider having Terry speak at your guild
or quilt group (she’s been known to travel to Los Vegas for a speaking
engagement). Terry will wow you with tips and tricks and some cute new pattern.
I used to work with Terry and she continuously
came up with new patterns, designs, tricks and ideas, I was amazed at the
creativity and once asked her “Do you dream this stuff?” she answered “Yes.”
reason angels can fly is because they take themselves lightly. ~G.K.